Day Trip - Grey Nurse Shark Diving on Straddie
Sun 10 Jul 2022 05:00 — 17:00
Event information
Registrations for this event are closed.
A day trip to Stradbroke Island with Point Lookout Scuba Charters (aka Ken)!
Dates: Sunday 10th July. Meet 5am to load up Troopie for 6am ferry crossing. Return same day at 5pm
Organiser: Hannah Reynolds and support crew. See Member List for email address and phone number.
Diver grades: This trip is open to Sports Divers (or equivalent) and above. The diving is usually fine but some divers may find the launch/landing and loading/unloading to be physically challenging. While some divers can hold back, there needs to be enough divers strong enough and willing to hold the boat in sometimes active surf and enter and exit the boat quickly over the side tubes. Loading and unloading the boat is also strenuous. If there are not enough people to undertake these tasks then, considering prevailing conditions, the DM may need to take measures in the interests of safety including cancelling the dives.
Equipment: Weights and tanks will be supplied by Ken. All other diving gear is your responsibility. Club kit hire is available. ALL divers need to carry a knife/line cutter, whistle, DSMB/safety sausage and a snorkel.
Given the depth of the dive, you may wish to BYO Nitrox cylinders.
Operator: Point Lookout Scuba Diving Charters
- Diving is $140 per double dive
- Ferry cost ($170) to be divided by people on the trip.
Booking means that payment is required: Its not fair to Ken or the DM for people to drop out of dives they have booked and not pay. Like all other dives we do if you book to dive and the dive proceeds then payment is expected unless a replacement diver can be found.
Deposit: A $140 deposit into the club's bank account will secure a place on the trip. Once signed up, the system will e-mail you deposit details. This will be **Non-refundable**, unless you find a suitable replacement.