Site notes: North Solitary Island
Published Fri 12 May 2023
Northern NSW, off Wooli
Site depths 10m - 42m (multiple sites)
North Solitary Island is seven nautical miles from Wooli. Visits to the Island are weather-dependent with the South Solitaries being the usual fallback if conditions are not suitable. The marine park reserve is famous for a diverse variety of marine life, thickly populated at different dive locations around the Island. At the northeastern end is a small sheltered inlet called Bay of Anemones. The boulder-strewn site is carpeted with anemones and numerous anemonefish, cowries, rays, turtles and hard and soft corals.
The Step is a rocky drop off; the wall drops from 15m to 45m and numerous sharks, giant manta ray, giant cod, eagle and bull rays patrol this section.
The Canyons is another popular spot. best described as a multi-coloured aquarium with a few southern species thrown in. Also famous for Painted Cray’s and large diveable depressions in the ocean floor.
The Bubble Cave near a spot called Southern Anchorage. The cave is very dark, and a torch is needed to appreciate it, and there are air bubbles trapped at the top of the cave. Fish life includes Lion Fish, large schools of White Bait and Spanish Dancers at times cling to the walls of the cave.
Fish Soup is one of the most requested dive locations, located at a group of wave washed rocks called North West Rock. It is renowned for a variety of larger fish species such as Black Cod, Mangrove Jack’s, Jewfish, Spangled Emperor, Snapper, Red Morwong, Tarwhine just to name a few.
Site hazards
Current: North Solitary Island can be subject to strong current that usually runs North to South around the Island.
On Brisbane BSAC trips, divers must:
- be Sports Diver or equivalent or higher;
- carry at least one DSMB and reel or spool and be proficient (i.e. trained and practised) at deploying a DSMB while holding depth;
- stay within their certification depth limits;
- plan and be suitably equipped if intending to conduct a dive requiring mandatory decompression stops.
It is recommended that divers be experienced and fit enough to swim in current.
Operators and further information
Dive sites of the Solitary Islands Marine Park by Jetty Dive
Wooli Dive Centre, Wooli
Jetty Dive Centre, Coffs Harbour